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  • Writer's picturendallalypop

Museumsinsel, Berlin

Updated: Mar 31, 2019

If you're going to Berlin you should probably know what Museumsinsel is. Museuminsel, aka Museum Island, is the name for the cluster of five world-renowned museums. Even if you don't go in the museums, Museum Island is a really pretty photo op! My favorite was the view of the bridge next to the Bode museum that crosses over a river to a little nice grassy area to chill on. There were a lot of people sitting around drinking on the grassy area when I was there so maybe stop for a bit and relax before going museum wandering!

I only went to two of the museums out of the five. Five is a lot to cover and we were only there for a weekend so we just chose two of the ones we thought we would enjoy the most. So do some research on which ones you are interested in before going! If you end up deciding to go to more than one you should get the ticket pass for all five museums because its only 18 euros and I think each individual ticket is about 12.

View of the Monbijoubrücke (Monbijou Bridge) crossing over the Spree River to the Bode Museum


The Bode Museum is the beautiful museum shown in the picture with the bridge and the river. This is one of the museums my friends and I went into. Even just the interior of this museum was really beautiful and it features a lot of sculptures from a wide range of time periods, some Gothic works of art and also has one of the world's largest currency collections. Though I did enjoy it, I wasn't completely blown away by this museum as I don't remember as much of it as I do the Pergamonmuseum (I went to Berlin 3 years ago), but I definitely think you should get some photos of the exterior if you don't go inside!

Pergamonmuseum (Pergamon Museum)

The Pergamonmuseum is the most popular museum in Berlin, and well there's gotta be a reason for that right? So this is the other one of the two museums we chose to go to and I get why it’s more popular! I do think this one is worth going to. It has a big focus on architecture which I really liked and although the Pergamon altar is closed to the public right now, it is due to reopen sometime this year and even if that isn't open yet when you go, you can still see the Ishtar Gate and the Market Gate of Miletus which I thought were the most impressive sights in the museum. In addition, there's plenty of really beautiful ancient art.

The Alte Nationalgalerie

Alte Nationalgalerie (Old National Gallery)

I didn't go inside this museum (although we did sit on the grass outside for a while) because either it was too crowded or we weren't feeling it at the time I don't quite remember (once again this was 3 years ago) but now looking back on it I really wish I had gone inside because I think I would have really liked it! I think we were too tired given the look of my photos of us all laying down on the grass so I guess make sure to save your energy! It features pieces by artists like Cezanne, Monet and Renior as well as many well known German artists like Caspar David Friedrich and Adolphe Menzel. If I went back I would totally go into this museum. If not do what we did and just take some photos of the beautiful building and hang out on the grass outside of it!

Neues Museum (New Museum)

This museum seems to be most known for the Nefertiti Bust in it's Egyptian antiquities collection. It has several historical collections covering Europe and the Middle East and has some other well known pieces like the Berlin Green Head, the Berlin Gold Hat and an axe from the Stone Age. So if you are into historical pieces like these this may be the museum for you!

Altes Museum (Old Museum)

Just go check out the outside of it if you don't go inside because it's a really beautiful work of Neoclassical architecture! And once again, surpriseeee, there's a nice grassy area in front of it to hang out. Inside it has art from ancient Greece and Rome and is well known for its Etruscan art collection (The Estruscans were an ancient civilization in central Italy).

View of the Altes Museum

So hopefully out of these there is a museum for you! And like I said about most of them, even if you don't go inside they are beautiful to see from the outside!

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