In case you don't already know, coffeeshops in the Netherlands are not like the Starbucks we are used to where you get a scone and drink a PSL and try and get work done. Coffeeshops are where you get to smoke weed and get super high. So if that's your thing you are probably going to looooove Amsterdam. I am not big on smoking weed but I smoked a lot in Amsterdam just because I could and I had a pretty good time so even if you don't smoke regularly you could do it for the experience. I was lucky in that both times I went to Amsterdam I had a friend studying abroad near by so he made all the choices of which coffeeshops we went to (thanks Max!).
So before I jump into the three coffeeshops I remember going to (there may have been others who knows), let's cover what they are like. If you don't have anything to smoke out of or any papers to roll with its fine, most places will provide you with a pipe or bong if you need one as shown in my photos. Whether you are marijuana savy or not, the coffeeshops have menus for you to choose what kind of marijuana you want and if you don't know what is going on then the people who work there are really helpful and can help you choose what you would like. I had no idea what was going on (I am knowledgable about alcohol but unfortunately not weed, sorry to any stoners reading this) but I was lucky and had my friend take care of everything. You can also order snacks, tea and other drinks while you are there!

This is a coffeeshop I went to both times I was in Amsterdam. It is pretty popular and I enjoyed it but because its so popular it may be hard to get seats. But I really liked the vibe so I would still try and go! It’s a really cool place and everyone is really friendly.
The Bulldog
Apparently this is the oldest coffeeshop in Amsterdam! This place is a little more ratchet, it’s in the Red Light District. I thought it was pretty entertaining and there is just weed paraphernalia everywhereeeee. This place gets lit. It was kind of a lot for me once I was high (I get v overwhelmed lol) so we weren't here super long but I feel like most people would like this place.

Now I think this coffeeshop was my favorite but I think that’s just cause it was a little fancier and felt more like a bar which is what I am more into. It was more low key than Bulldog and Dampkring which I kind of needed given I get pretty paranoid when I’m high so depending what you like it may be more your vibe or not but I thought it was really nice and they gave us a nice
bong to smoke out of. Also they are known for their extensive weed menu so maybe you want?
Happy smoking friends! Don't get too high and fall in a canal or get hit by the tram 😉